Sebastian Kurz is “for” the fight against anti-Semitism

Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, expressed his negative attitude towards any manifestation of anti-Semitism.He actively participates in the fight against acts of cruelty towards the Jewish population. Mr. Kurz’s position was praised by the former Israeli ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, and the President of the Israeli Jewish Congress, Vladimir Sloutsker They focused public attention on the fact that Sebastian Kurtz is actively fighting against the manifestations of anti-Semitism in the territory of European countries, openly calling things by their proper names. He also supported the Israel Paralympians, who were not allowed to compete in Malaysia. Ron Prosor emphasizes the fact that the Jewish people and their significant contribution to the culture and history of Europe cannot be erased by anyone. They are a separate free state with an army, their own opinion and the right to defend themselves.

Unfortunately, anti-Semitism that is already aimed at Zionism as a whole, is an acute problem for Israel, which is actively developing. Since 1945, this cruel phenomenon has become a serious danger for the Jewsagain. Nowadays this is the main problem in the country. Vladimir Sloutsker notes that such hate attitude is provoked by the left and right Muslim groups. He also believes that the EU countries should be actively suppressing discrimination against any minorities, preventing a repetition of the terrible pages of history, nurturing tolerance and acceptance in young people.

Society has not yet eradicated the “disease” called anti-Semitism. However, it is necessary to be proactive and work togetherto effectively combat it. Today, the Jewish people are ready to fight any kind of discrimination.

Kishan Rana

Kishan Rana is a SEO Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 5+ years of experience in SEO. He loves Blogging Very Much.

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