Baby safety is always a priority, especially when in the water. That is why we recommend that, when buying a baby float, do a wide and detailed search of various models, taking into account their characteristics and the user experience of each user. Perhaps this requires a time that you do not have, so we have facilitated it and did the research for you.
Thus, we find that the Intex Deluxe Baby Float, it is one of the most promoted because it has an original design that is placed in the neck area and helps keep the whole body in the water, which allows the child to gain more confidence. Besides, it includes a button that activates the playback of a melody, making it more entertaining.
Here we will review one of the best baby floats and also tell you how to buy best baby floats, but if you want to read a detailed review about best baby floats, then check .
Intex Deluxe Baby Float
If you still do not know which is the best baby float, you may want to review this model, which is a kind of chair with a backrest in which the child will remain comfortably seated while floating and enjoying time in the water. It comes in two colors: yellow and orange; both are the summer tones that do not go unnoticed.
This baby float weights 522 grams and is recommended as a 6-month baby float, even for slightly older children, since it supports up to 11 kilos.
It is made of vinyl and has four separate and independent air chambers for added security, which guarantees that it will be floating at all times, and if there is an air leak, the father has time to act. Also, it has a circle of 70 cm in diameter that provides stability in the water.
Buying Guide: How to Buy Best Baby Floats
If you want a good quality float that will entertain your baby, be comfortable and keep it safe in the pool or bathtub, you must ensure that it complies with certain aspects that guarantee its reliability and safety:
Durability: it depends directly on the material from which the float or float chair is made. They are usually made of vinyl or PVC, as they are the best and most resistant and safe. Other materials are not usually as durable.
Capacity: your child’s weight is an important factor to consider since each model is designed to support a certain maximum weight. If you choose one that is not suitable for your baby, the float can give in and break, which would expose your baby to accidents.
Age of your baby: there is a reason why these products have age indicators and are the size of the child. If you place your baby in a floating chair for older children, the baby may slip, or the water hits her face.
Price: the product must also be good for your pocket. Look for it to be as economical as you need, but also to offer security, comfort, and a beautiful design.
With or without umbrella: the models with roof protect your child from the sun and UV rays. And, although your location and the environment directly influence this decision, you will most likely need it, since they are more convenient and offer an extra line of protection for your kids.
These are a few points that you must consider before buying any baby floats because baby security is the priority. Also, share this article with your friends, who are planning to buy a new baby float for her baby.