Website Design Tips For 2020

Website design is an essential and practical tool that will help your business soar to great heights. Web design trends are continually changing, and 2020 holds endless technical possibilities of web design. As a business owner, it should be of your best interest to ensure that you are addressing your website from a 2020 point of view.

There are some crucial techniques and tips you should be aware of and implement in 2020. Consider the tips below to keep up with the trends.

Top Website Design Tips to Try in 2020

1.      Make use of 3D illustrations and graphics

3D is a huge deal in the modern world. You can make your website stand out from your competitors by using 3D graphics and illustrations to attract more visitors. You can also use this technique to guide your visitors through the crucial parts of your pages.

2.      Use a minimalist design

People are rarely impressed by busy, complicated, and clustered websites. No one wants a website that has so much going on. As long as the site loads fast and contains the necessary information, anything else might be unnecessary.

To that end, keep your site simple, with only relevant information included.

3.      Split-screen content

If you feel that you need to convey a couple of ideas, all the while avoiding a cluttered look, you can split your screen equally down the middle.

This design breaks the regular rectangular layout to give your design a trendy look. You can play with this mold and make each side of the screen behave differently to captivate your visitors.

4.      Use micro animation

Micro animations have been around for a while, but they will be even bigger in 2020. They guide users through the website in a playful yet professional way.

Many ecommerce sites have been using micro animations to improve user experience and give customers a sample of how their products function or look. However, micro animations will be used more organically.

5.      Thumb friendly mobile navigation website design

A lot of internet users use their mobile devices to look up information on the internet. Most of your website visitors will likely be using their mobile phones. Naturally, everyone uses their thumb to scroll and navigate.


Therefore, try to enhance the user experience by putting your navigation bar, menu and contact buttons in the space where the thumb can easier reach the center of the screen.

6.      Dark mode design

Dark mode design will be a massive deal in 2020. It will be focusing on UI design to give users an option to enable a dark theme.

Dark themed backgrounds make the design elements stand out by creating a color contrast ration, all the while reducing eye strain. The dark theme is also very good in power saving and extending screen lifespans.

7.      Use hand-drawn design elements

A lot of work goes into putting a website together to make sure that it is 100% perfect. However, some websites end up looking too impersonal.

In 2020, it should be a great idea to inject some emotion into your website by using imperfect hand-drawn elements. This will give your users a feeling of realness when interacting with your website.

8.      Voice technology

Audio controllers have significantly changed the digital user experience for the last couple of years. Many companies are however yet to adopt this technology onto their websites.

In 2020, voice technology is predicted to be integrated into websites to enhance the user experience of apps and website design. Consider optimizing your site by using voice technology to make your site more accessible.


These, among other tips, are what you need to know when you want your website to stand out. Consider implementing these pointers to achieve website design excellence in 2020.

Kishan Rana

Kishan Rana is a SEO Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 5+ years of experience in SEO. He loves Blogging Very Much.

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