How Much Money Can You Earn as an App Developer?

You can earn money in billions. The right app can make you earn billions of dollars. Some apps make no money at all but some make you a billionaire. Apps are changing business patterns from websites to mobile apps. Nowadays, consumers prefer mobile apps rather than websites. The mobile apps have the potential to earn in millions but not every app earns an equal share of the ios market and android market revenue. 

If we see data in the app developer salary guide, the Indian app developers earn between $107,000 per year. The U.S. mobile app developers can earn between $107,000 to $ 109,000 per year. As per stats, The app generates revenue in billions. There are various factors to consider to generate revenue from apps are app purpose, target audience, competitor analysis, technologies, etc.

So keeping in mind all factors, you can also choose different sources of income, suppose freelancing, setting up their agency, and collaboration. Their various app development companies charge different amounts as mobile app development companies Singapore charge reasonable prices. In this article, we will talk about how app developers can earn money. 

How Much Money an App Developer earns:

1. Per Download

  • If you have built your app to charge some amount while downloading your app, then it would be a paid app. 
  • Users have to pay the amount and it may be possible that some amount of it goes to google for your app services.

2. Free for All

  • If you have chosen it free for all it means anyone can download it from the app store. They don’t need to pay.
  • You can earn through paid campaigns and show your ads within your app. If you get a good reputation from the app store, you will be getting other assignments.

3. Freelancing and Agency

4. Collaboration

  • You can collaborate with different businesses and organizations for your app development business.
  • Some companies collaborate with app developers and build their mobile apps.

5. Crowdfunding

  • It is a kind of model where it helps you to monetize your apps for free of cost.
  • You can tell your ideas and publish your MVP version on a few platforms so that it helps you to raise funds for your marketing efforts.


The app developers can earn a huge amount if you go for paid apps, freelancing, and collaborations. Through free apps, it will help you with marketing and brand awareness. 

The competition is quite high so you have to optimize your app to survive in a dynamic environment. The future of mobile apps is quite bright and flourishing. In this field There is no limit to earning. You have to consider platform, features, user experience and monetization model, etc.

You can also combine both free and premium so users can enjoy your app and for further services they can also go for a premium. People also prefer premium versions if they start liking your app. Above mentioned points will help to understand different sources of earning from apps. We hope you find the article quite beneficial and informative for you.

Kishan Rana

Kishan Rana is a SEO Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 5+ years of experience in SEO. He loves Blogging Very Much.

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