Dental Implants- Immediate Replacement For your Lost Tooth

Healthy teeth and gums are an integral part of proper chewing, digestion, speech, and appearance. Losing a tooth not only affects one’s eating habits, body health but also lowers self-confidence due to unaesthetic appearance. Reasons for tooth loss can be very diverse, such as trauma or fall, missing tooth since birth, diseases of bone, diseases of the teeth, diseases of gums, cavities, diabetes, etc., thus it becomes very important to retain our natural teeth and if not then at least get them replaced in time with the best alternative possible which is dental implants for now.

Though there are multiple options to replace teeth like removable dentures, bridges, and dental implants; dental implants are no doubt the best option available in most cases. Even though people are under a false opinion that dental implants are very expensive. So before implement it must know Cost of Dental Implants.

Dental implants have revolutionized the way teeth have been replaced traditionally. They are the most advanced technique to replace missing teeth. Dental implants replicate the natural tooth root and crown. It preserves the health of the surrounding tissues, including the gums, bone and adjacent teeth. In the conventional method of replacing the teeth where bridges were used, healthy teeth adjacent to the empty space had to be reduced. With dental implants, there is no need to involve the adjacent teeth.

Conventionally, for dental implants to be put, the dentist had to first remove the offending tooth, followed by a waiting time of 2 to 4 months for the socket to heal. Then the implant is surgically put into the bone and left to integrate for another 3 to 6 months. A second surgery is then performed to put a functional crown over the implant. This whole process requires a waiting time of around 8 to 12 months from the time the tooth was removed.


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These shortcomings and such a long waiting time led to the invent of immediate implants. In this technique, the implant is placed into the socket immediately after the extraction or removal of the tooth. This is followed by immediate placement of a crown to replace the extracted tooth. Thus, this technique saves the patient from a long wait before the replacement of the tooth is provided. It also prevents two surgeries that a patient needs to undergo in our conventional method so this means less pain and immediate replacement of your lost teeth just as any other routine walk-in dental procedure.

Immediate implant placement is a very advanced procedure, but it may have its own shortcomings. As a tooth is extracted or removed, there is an immediate loss of bone structure of the area. Placing an implant immediately prevents a dentist from judging the exact depth of bone in which the implant is to be placed. This may lead to implant exposure later on when the socket heals, thus complicating the situation.

Immediate implant placement needs to be carried out with utmost precaution. This is because there might be some diseased tissue left behind after the extraction of the offending tooth. This diseased tissue if not removed completely leads to a compromised healing or no healing at all around the implant. This may lead to implant failure.

Immediate implant placement and loading also have its area and tooth number restrictions. A dentist cannot place a crown over an immediate implant in the areas of the mouth where maximum chewing forces are present like in first molar regions. Whereas, this technique is a boon in the esthetically important areas such as incisors and canines, as these regions undergo less force.

Kishan Rana

Kishan Rana is a SEO Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 5+ years of experience in SEO. He loves Blogging Very Much.

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